《蜜詩美APP》是【MyB 蜜詩美】創立的美容儀購物APP,提供最完善醫美電子設備與醫美生物科技相結合的美容儀,讓你的肌膚保養跟上科技腳步,開啟你的有效保養,提升你的美麗深度。Take Care Your Beauty!
透過《蜜詩美APP》,讓您隨時隨地掌握最新美容保養資訊,讓您挑選到最適合自己且最安心的美容保養儀,居家保養宅美容就是【MyB 蜜詩美】。
“MYBAPP” is the “MyB” shopping APP for the beauty device. “MYBAPP” provides the most completed hi-tech enterprise which combined with the technology of electronics medical equipment beauty care machine and bio-cosmetic science. Open your effective process of skin care and enhance your beauty. Take Care Your Beauty!
Use “MYBAPP”, know the latest skin care information anytime and anywhere. To choose the most suitable and most reassuring beauty device by yourself. Home beauty care is “MyB”.